Good & Evil

Good & Evil

What is so wrong about the knowledge of good and evil? If we read Genesis 2 and 3 where God forbade Adam and Eve from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Surely Adam and Eve had known something about good and evil because they could make moral judgments. They knew they were not to eat of that certain tree, and they knew how to keep God’s commands. The Bible describes wisdom as the ability to know right from wrong. In 1 Kings 3:9 Solomon asked God to give him wisdom that he could discern between good and evil.

Surely, we can’t accept that wisdom is bad, knowing good and evil is helpful in our Christian walk.

But notice something important…Adam and Eve had gained their initial knowledge of Good and evil by revelation from God. Also, Solomon asked for the same discernment directly from God. We were never supposed to rely on our own judgments about right and wrong, we always need to Look to God for all of life’s problems. God always knows what is best for us all. He warns us to avoid things that are not good for His children just like a loving father would do.

( ref. Martin Iles AIG )