Are You Reading Your Bible?

Are You Reading Your Bible?

Are you reading your Bible?

No I mean ARE YOU REALLY READING GOD’S WORD, THE BIBLE and applying it into your daily lives.  Far to many professing Christians live their lives, day in and day out, on the basis of something other than the Bible.  Though we say we follow the Bible, there isn’t anything specifically biblical about the way we live. True Christianity is defined on the basis of your relationship with Jesus Christ and the desire to follow him at all cost. (John 14:15)  in order to follow Jesus you must know Jesus through his word the Bible.

True Christians have been transformed on the inside (Titus 3:5-8), being indwelt by the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:13-14), and able to exhibit holiness (Gal 5:22-23)  A heart that is truly transformed by God  will respond in love, and eagerly desire to follow and obey Gods commands found in the Bible.  Everything we need for a Godly life is found in the Bible, no other source is necessary.  God has given us his word so that we can successfully navigate through life with an abundance of joy and peace.

The words of the Bible are pure words that produce a holy reverence for God. (Psalm 12:6) The word of God never changes and is always relevant.  The Word of God is truth. (John 17:17) Gods word must be our final rule for faith and practice. The Bible is everything we need for life and godliness. (2 Pet 1:3) 

Every time we pick up the Bible we pick up truth (John 8:31-32)  The Bible is the final source of truth about God, creation, life and death, man and women, friends and enemies.  The Bible is Gods word to us, pick it up, open it, and read.  You will be transformed by the words of wisdom from our God and His Bible.

This writing was all adapted from the introduction of a book titled; Right Thinking In a World Gone Wrong,  by John MacArthur